Tracking payouts, one hit at a time
Guests love playing slot machines at Turning Stone Resort Casino because we have the latest and greatest technology, and because our machines pay out some serious cash.
Earlier this year, we added to the gaming floor a ticker that tracks payouts over the course of each day.
The digital signage sits in the hallway that separates the gaming floor from The Commons at Turning Stone and the entrance to 7 Kitchens buffet. It features a total of all the slot payouts for the day—a number that grows consistently as the day goes on.
The ticker resets at midnight every day and keeps tabs on payouts over each 24-hour period. In the early morning hours, the number is relatively small—usually not exceeding five or six figures. By the end of any given cycle, however, the total number usually exceeds $2 or 3 million—depending on how busy the gaming floor was over the course of that day.
“Guests like knowing what’s going on, and [this sign] puts everything in perspective,” said Guy Renzi, vice president of gaming operations. “Watching the numbers change over the course of the day or even for 10 minutes is mesmerizing. It’s a testament to how much guests love our slots.”
In addition to tracking overall payouts, the slot signage keeps tabs on recent jackpots—“latest big hits,” as it calls them.
These numbers change in real-time, depending on which guests win what.
Around dinnertime on a recent weekday, the “leader board” listed 10 different four-figure jackpots from slot machines including Stinkin Rich, Happy Lantern, Jade Wins, Goddess of Gold, Dragon Cash—Golden Century, Ultimate Fire Link – Shina Street, Super Times Pay Bonus Poker, High Stakes, Game King Multi Games, and Dragon Cash – Autumn Moon.
We like to think of the signage as our own version of a stock ticker. Unlike the stock market, however, the only direction our numbers trend is up.