On a Roll with Turning Stone Craps
You can always hear a craps table before you see one. The roar of a crowd when the shooter hits a point! The inimitable clinking of chips as stickmen pay out on bets! Often these tables are the liveliest in the pit. And with good reason—the action is fast, furious, and fun.
Turning Stone Resort Casino has seven craps tables overall, and on any given day the house might spread four or five, depending on demand. Table minimums vary between $5 and $25.
The heart-pumping action at our craps tables plays out just like the action you’ll find in Las Vegas or Atlantic City. This is a bonus, considering that gaming laws that govern casinos in many other states (California, for instance) prohibit anyone from spreading games where the outcome is determine by a ball or a die.
At Turning Stone, we offer 3x, 4x, and 5x odds, which means players can bet up to three, four, or five times more than their flat bet. Allowable odds vary depending on the point: You can bet up to 3x when the point is 4 or 10, 4x when the point is 5 or 9, and 5x when the point is 6 or 8.
Guy Renzi, vice president of gaming operations, said players regularly take advantage of these odds, increasing their wins when the point is hit.
“Everybody is happy with the games we spread,” he said.
Another fun aspect of craps on the gaming floors of Oneida Indian Nation casinos: Hop bets, which are essentially one-time bets that the dice will come out a particular way on a single roll.
These bets pay out different odds depending on the roll.
Guy, who started his career in gaming as a craps dealer, said he still considers the game the “most exciting” in the casino, and admitted he still grabs the stick from a croupier to play stickman for a few throws every now and again.
“There’s no more exciting action than when the dice are hot and all the players are screaming and yelling and cheering for their numbers,” he said.