Exit 33’s Epic Restrooms
Everybody knows about the epic nightlife at Turning Stone Resort Casino’s entertainment destination, Exit 33.
It turns out the resort’s favorite party area has some epic restrooms, too.
Creative and whimsical design is on full display in the men’s restrooms at three separate nightlife venues: Tin Rooster, The Gig, and Turquoise Tiger. To put it bluntly, the restrooms are just as intriguing as the venues themselves.
“People love the bathrooms because they make you laugh in a place where you’re not really used to laughing,” said Nightlife Manager Vinny Belfiore. “It’s a surprise, but it’s fun.”
First, Tin Rooster. The vibe in this venue is down-home country, the kind of place a crowd might spontaneously break into a line dance. Fitting, then, that the men’s room has urinals made from old beer kegs, reportedly from an old Irish pub. Of course, the joke here is obvious—beer in, beer out, as the case may be. First-timers to the men’s room almost always let out a laugh when they first walk in.
The men’s room inside The Gig is creative in different ways—here, urinals are in the shape of giant mouths with thick red lips. This fits the venue vibe perfectly as well, since everything about The Gig is full-on rock-n-roll.
(As an aside, the outer wall of the toilet stall in the same bathroom has punk rock-inspired graffiti that reads: “The liver is evil, it must be punished. Drink more.”)
Finally, the men’s room at Turquoise Tiger is all about subtlety. Gaze into the mirror and you’ll see instructions on the wall that effectively tell you to wash your hands, stand back in front of each stall door and notice that you’re now part of a lineup, complete with hash marks noting how tall you are.
The message: Nobody is innocent.
Perhaps the best part of the restrooms inside Exit 33 is that they’re totally free to enjoy and experience (once you’ve paid the covers). Be sure to check them out the next time you’re down to party.